


What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a system of health care that has respect for the body’s inherent ability to heal and promotes that healing through identifying the underlying cause of illness or dysfunction and treating the cause.

Who benefits?

Persons with deficiencies, toxicities, and imbalance in physical, emotional and spiritual level.


To change the unhealthy living habits of people and to teach them the healthy and positive lifestyle in accordance to the laws of Nature, the greatest healer.

The cure is obtained, not by reactions to the medicines introduced but because the very vitality and the health of diseased cells improve with the help of

  • Elementary remedies such as water, air, light, earth cures, magnetism, electricity, etc.
  • Chemical remedies such as scientific food selection and combination, homoeopathic medicines, simple herb extracts and the vito chemical remedies.
  • Mechanical remedies such as corrective gymnastics, massage, magnetic treatment, structural adjustment and in cases of accident, surgery.
  • Natural and spiritual remedies such as scientific relaxation, normal suggestion, constructive thought, the prayer of faith etc.

Dr. Lynn Mikel, MD Naturopathy, MSc Psychology.